
Elevadores de vidros a 300 m de altura...

300 metros de altura...
A sensação?
Deve ser semelhante à da BigTower do Beto Carreiro World
A BigTower do Beto Carreiro World, embora com altura bem inferior.
"apenas" 100 metros,
não contém gaiola de vidro
ficamos suspensos, em uma cadeirinha
com as pernas balançando
enquanto despenca velozmente...
assista em




Subir 103 andares de elevador de vidro, não é para os nervos de qualquer um. Estamos a falar da Torre da Sears em Chicago.
Os proprietários do Sears Tower, o arranha-céus mais alto nos Estados Unidos neste momento (está um em construção em Filadelfia que será o mais alto do mundo), inauguraram na semana passada, 4 elevadores mirantes.

São autênticas caixas de vidro. Esses elevadores, ficam depois suspensos a 412 metros do chão, mais própriamente no 103º andar. Estes espaços, têm 3 metros de altura por 3 metros de largura. Suportam até 5 toneladas, com vidros 1,5 polegadas de espessura. Impressionante, e impróprio para cardíacos.


The balconies of the Sears Tower in Chicago - not for people who have vertigo! (22 pics)

The balconies of the Sears Tower
 Chicago - not
 for people who have vertigo! (22 pics)

The balconies of the Sears Tower in Chicago - not for people who have vertigo! (22 pics)

The balconies of the Sears Tower in Chicago - not for people who have vertigo! (22 pics)

The balconies of the Sears Tower in Chicago - not for people who have vertigo! (22 pics)

The balconies of the Sears Tower in Chicago - not for people who have
 vertigo! (22 pics)

The balconies of the Sears Tower in Chicago - not for people who have vertigo! (22 pics)

 balconies of the Sears Tower in Chicago - not for people who have vertigo! (22 pics)

The balconies of the Sears Tower in Chicago - not for people who have vertigo! (22 pics)

The balconies of the Sears Tower in Chicago - not for people who have vertigo! (22 pics)

The balconies of the Sears Tower in Chicago - not for people who have vertigo! (22 pics)

The balconies of the Sears Tower in Chicago - not for
 people who have vertigo! (22 pics)

The balconies of the Sears Tower in Chicago - not for people who have vertigo! (22 pics)

The balconies of the Sears Tower in Chicago - not for people who have vertigo! (22 pics)

The balconies of the Sears Tower in Chicago - not for
 who have vertigo! (22 pics)

The balconies of the Sears Tower in
 Chicago -
 not for people who have vertigo! (22 pics)

 balconies of the Sears Tower in Chicago - not for people who have vertigo! (22 pics)

The balconies of the Sears Tower in Chicago - not for people who have vertigo! (22 pics)

 The balconies of
 the Sears Tower in Chicago - not for people who have vertigo! (22 pics)

The balconies of the Sears Tower in Chicago - not for people who have vertigo! (22 pics)










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